Kevin Chiu大推薦~旅行前因緣際會查到這間。店內氛圍很好,大家都很友善溫柔。 看著店名覺得會是一家溫馨的餐廳,事實證明也是,一邊品嚐食物一邊感受uchino先生和yokoyama先生對料理的表達。 這是很特別的食堂~在冬季,...大推薦~旅行前因緣際會查到這間。店內氛圍很好,大家都很友善溫柔。
謝謝招待~ (Translated by Google) Highly recommended ~ I would check this one out before traveling. The atmosphere in the store is great, everyone is friendly and gentle.
Looking at the name of the restaurant, I thought it would be a cozy restaurant, and it turned out to be the case. While tasting the food, I felt the expressions of Mr. Uchino and Mr. Yokoyama's cuisine.
This is a very special canteen~ In winter, my wife and I can taste it, we are very happy☺️!
Thank you for your hospitality ~
たに全部美味しいです! (Translated by Google) Everything is delicious!全部美味しいです!
(Translated by Google)
Everything is delicious! -
ijnek akanat入店してびっくりのBGMですが、しばらくすると、なるほど馴染んできます。どの料理も趣向凝らして、他にない。 お肉系、特に絶品で、締めの牛丼は最高です。 (Translated by Google) The BGM may come as a surp...入店してびっくりのBGMですが、しばらくすると、なるほど馴染んできます。どの料理も趣向凝らして、他にない。
(Translated by Google)
The BGM may come as a surprise when you enter the store, but after a while, you'll get used to it. Every dish is elaborate and unique.
The meat dishes are especially exquisite, and the gyudon (beef bowl) is the best. -
ラムネいつも美味しくて楽しくて大好きです✨ (Translated by Google) It’s always delicious and fun, I love it ✨いつも美味しくて楽しくて大好きです✨
(Translated by Google)
It’s always delicious and fun, I love it ✨ -
김유빈 (iLove13)타베로그 오사카 식당 랭킹 1위라고 해서 찾아가봤어요~ 음식에 대한 정성이 느껴지는 식사였습니다! 인당 15만원쯤이었고, 저는 만족했습니다. 특히 함박스테이크 버거랑 어른의 규동은 최고였습니다~ 처음에 들...타베로그 오사카 식당 랭킹 1위라고 해서 찾아가봤어요~
음식에 대한 정성이 느껴지는 식사였습니다!
인당 15만원쯤이었고, 저는 만족했습니다.
특히 함박스테이크 버거랑 어른의 규동은 최고였습니다~
처음에 들어갈때 한국인이어서 되게 당황하신 것 같았습니다만 마지막쯤 되서 친절하게 대해주셨습니다. 15만원의 가치가 있느냐? 묻는다면 전 추천드리고 싶습니다!
+ 요리사님께 여쭈어보니 한국인 최초로 즐기게 되었습니다~ (이 부분은 좀 뿌듯하네요) (Translated by Google) I went there because I heard it was ranked #1 in Osaka's restaurant rankings on Tabelog.
It was a meal where you could feel the sincerity put into the food!
It was about 150,000 won per person, and I was satisfied.
In particular, the hamburger steak burger and adult gyudon were the best~
When I first walked in, I felt embarrassed because I was Korean, but towards the end, they treated me kindly. Is it worth 150,000 won? If you ask me, I would recommend it!
+ When I asked the chef, I became the first Korean to enjoy it~ (I feel a bit proud of this part)
Keikun Keikun楽しく 美味しく食事が出来ます 何度も行って欲しい店です (Translated by Google) Enjoy and enjoy delicious meals This is a store I want to visit again and again.楽しく 美味しく食事が出来ます
(Translated by Google)
Enjoy and enjoy delicious meals
This is a store I want to visit again and again. -
助手のもりたくん北新地駅から徒歩5分のこちらのうちのさんは、 上品ながらどこか遊び心のある和食が食べられる有名な食堂です。 コースでいただきましたが全ての料理は細部にまでこだわられている丁寧なものばかりでした。 月単...北新地駅から徒歩5分のこちらのうちのさんは、
(Translated by Google)
This house is located 5 minutes walk from Kitashinchi Station.
This is a famous restaurant where you can enjoy elegant yet playful Japanese cuisine.
We had a course meal, and all the dishes were carefully prepared with attention to detail.
The menu changes monthly, so no matter when you go to eat, it's always fresh and fun.
The famous hamburger steak and beef bowl for adults are must-try here!
It's a very popular restaurant, so it's quite difficult to just walk in, so reservations are essential.
It's a restaurant that has the best of both a luxury store and a commoner's store, with customer service full of hospitality. -
Asako Fukumotoマスターがお茶目で、美味しくて、最高でした! ハンバーガーのお肉が柔らかすぎてびっくりした! (Translated by Google) The master was playful, the food was delicious, and it was amazing! I was surpris...マスターがお茶目で、美味しくて、最高でした!
(Translated by Google)
The master was playful, the food was delicious, and it was amazing!
I was surprised at how soft the hamburger meat was! -
Diamond 50ty予約のとれない食堂うちのさん (Translated by Google) Restaurant Uchino-san that cannot be booked予約のとれない食堂うちのさん
(Translated by Google)
Restaurant Uchino-san that cannot be booked -
yossan 1986大人の牛丼 (Translated by Google) Beef bowl for adults大人の牛丼
(Translated by Google)
Beef bowl for adults -
祐也最初から最後まで美味しく頂けました。 雰囲気が良いのとリーズナブルで大変良い時間が過ごせました。どれも美味しいですがお腹を空かせて行ったので締めの牛丼は最高でしたw 茶碗蒸しは6月7月オススメです。是非...最初から最後まで美味しく頂けました。
(Translated by Google)
It was delicious from start to finish.
We had a great time with a great atmosphere and reasonable prices. Everything was delicious, but I went with an empty stomach, so the beef bowl at the end was the best lol
Chawanmushi is recommended in June and July. Please go and try it. -
BON予約制のコース料理でカウンター10席の綺麗なお店です。 名物の大人の牛丼美味しかったです (ˆ꜆ . ̫ . ).ᐟ ごちそうさまでした (Translated by Google) It's a beautiful restaurant with 10 counter seats and...予約制のコース料理でカウンター10席の綺麗なお店です。
(ˆ꜆ . ̫ . ).ᐟ
(Translated by Google)
It's a beautiful restaurant with 10 counter seats and course meals that require reservations.
The famous adult beef bowl was delicious.
(ˆ꜆ . ̫ . ).ᐟ
Thank you for the meal -
まこと美味しい‼︎ (Translated by Google) delicious! ︎美味しい‼︎
(Translated by Google)
delicious! ︎ -
aki間違いない、お店です! (Translated by Google) It's definitely a shop!間違いない、お店です!
(Translated by Google)
It's definitely a shop! -
Mari Kimura
hirono. qoo間借りされてたうっちーさん。 移転されてからアラカルトではなくコース料理になりました。 〆は有名な大人の牛丼。 (Translated by Google) Mr. Ucchi was rented a room. Since the move, it has become a cou...間借りされてたうっちーさん。
(Translated by Google)
Mr. Ucchi was rented a room.
Since the move, it has become a course meal instead of a la carte.
Finish off with the famous beef bowl for adults. -
森下寿ずーーっと行ってみたかった食堂うちのさん! ようやく行かせていただける機会が^_^ 店内は思ったより広く、めちゃくちゃカッコいい! 料理は全て創作系で唯一無二ですねー 特に〆の牛丼ね! 個人的に...ずーーっと行ってみたかった食堂うちのさん!
(Translated by Google)
The restaurant I've always wanted to visit is Uchino!
I finally have a chance to go ^_^
The inside of the store is bigger than I expected, and it's really cool!
All the dishes are creative and unique.
Especially the beef bowl at the end!
Personally, I really like it🤤
The hamburger was also meaty and I liked it.
It was a fun dinner party✨
Thank you for the meal. -
藤田勝紀お店の雰囲気も接客も最高だわ~ 大人の牛丼とハンバーグは是非食べたいね☺️ (Translated by Google) The atmosphere of the shop and the customer service are great. I definitely want to try the beef bowl...お店の雰囲気も接客も最高だわ~
(Translated by Google)
The atmosphere of the shop and the customer service are great.
I definitely want to try the beef bowl and hamburger steak for adults☺️ -
植田英樹とても洗練された空間で、美味しいお料理を堪能しました。リピート確定❣️ (Translated by Google) We enjoyed delicious food in a very sophisticated space. Repeat confirmed❣️とても洗練された空間で、美味しいお料理を堪能しました。リピート確定❣️
(Translated by Google)
We enjoyed delicious food in a very sophisticated space. Repeat confirmed❣️ -
No life No Wine爽やかで気さくな童顔のオーナーシェフが、テンポ良くポーション小さめで出してくれる楽しいお肉系のコース。一度会うと心を掴まれる接客でリピートしたくなる北新地の小さなレストランです。 (Translated by Go...爽やかで気さくな童顔のオーナーシェフが、テンポ良くポーション小さめで出してくれる楽しいお肉系のコース。一度会うと心を掴まれる接客でリピートしたくなる北新地の小さなレストランです。
(Translated by Google)
A fun meat course served in small portions at a fast pace by the refreshing and friendly baby-faced owner/chef. This is a small restaurant in Kitashinchi that will captivate your heart once you meet them and make you want to come back again. -
T T (さいごうどん)
yuta toneとにかく料理がうまい!! (Translated by Google) Anyway, the food is good! !とにかく料理がうまい!!
(Translated by Google)
Anyway, the food is good! ! -
TATSUYA URUSHIHARA大阪は、深い。 全部のメニュー食べたい 牛丼最高😀 (Translated by Google) Osaka is deep. I want to try the whole menu Beef bowl is the best😀大阪は、深い。
(Translated by Google)
Osaka is deep.
I want to try the whole menu
Beef bowl is the best😀 -
きしころコスパ気にしなければ最高。コスパ気にする人は行けないお店だと思いますが笑 (Translated by Google) Great if you don't care about cost performance. I don't think people who care about cost performance...コスパ気にしなければ最高。コスパ気にする人は行けないお店だと思いますが笑
(Translated by Google)
Great if you don't care about cost performance. I don't think people who care about cost performance can go to this store lol